Шрифт PT Root UI VF

Вариативный шрифт

Шрифт PT Root UI VF относится к категориям гротески, для заголовков. Гарнитура содержит 5 начертаний. Поддерживает 69 языков. Разработка шрифта PT Root UI VF велась Vitaly Kuzmin. Можно использовать в коммерческой и не коммерческой деятельности .

PT Root UI Light Regular 300
PT Root UI Regular 400
PT Root UI VF Regular 400
wght:  400 700
PT Root UI Medium Regular 500
PT Root UI Bold Regular 700


PT Root UI is a special part of the PT Root typeface family. It consists of four styles of normal proportions, from Light to Bold, intended for screen reading, interfaces, websites, as well as wayfinding systems. PT Root UI is a modern uniwidth sans serif whose individual character widths are constant across all weights. This is especially convenient for headers, menu bars and interface elements. It has a broad language support, including the Latin Extended and Cyrillic (including Cyrillic Asian), different sets of figures and currency signs, fractions and indices, as well as a number of wayfinding signs and alternative forms. PT Root UI was designed by Vitaly Kuzmin and released by Paratype in 2018.


SIL Open Font License 1.1 — свободная и открытая лицензия, разработанная SIL International, используется для многих свободных шрифтов у которых открыт исходный код. Все файлы, производные от файлов OFL, должны оставаться лицензированными в соответствии с OFL.


Дополнительная информация о шрифте

Copyright (c) 2018 Paratype, Inc., ParaType Ltd. All rights reserved.
PT Root UI Light
Уникальный ID
ParaTypeLtd.: PT Root UI Light: 2020
Полное имя
PT Root UI Light
Version 2.000G
PostScript Имя
Торговая марка
PT Root UI is a trademark of Paratype, Inc.
ParaType Ltd.
Vitaly Kuzmin
PT Root UI is a special part of the PT Root typeface family. It consists of four styles of normal proportions, from Light to Bold, intended for screen reading, interfaces, websites, as well as wayfinding systems. PT Root UI is a modern uniwidth sans serif whose individual character widths are constant across all weights. This is especially convenient for headers, menu bars and interface elements. It has a broad language support, including the Latin Extended and Cyrillic (including Cyrillic Asian), different sets of figures and currency signs, fractions and indices, as well as a number of wayfinding signs and alternative forms. PT Root UI was designed by Vitaly Kuzmin and released by Paratype in 2018.
Адрес поставщика
Сайт дизайнера
Описание лицензии
Адрес лицензии
Предпочитаемое семейство
PT Root UI
Предпочитаемое подсемейство
Совместимое полное имя

Поддерживаемые символы Развернуть таблицу
